Trump Accomplishments, 2017-2020

Whether you love him, hate him, or fall some where between these two extremes, Donald Trump has been one of the most objectively can-do, achievement-focused presidents in American history. With resolution, facing a relentless partisan storm, he managed—in just four years—to remake the federal judiciary, rebuild the American economy, reshape the Middle East, end the …


This week, and for the second time, the Senate acquitted former President Trump, finding him innocent of the trumped-up charge brought against him earlier this year by angry, liberal Democrats in the House of Representatives.The precedent that was set this week is deeply troubling and the optics for the rule of law are horrible. President …

Social Securiy History Lesson

Just in case some of you young whippersnappers (& some older ones) didn’t know this. It’s easy to check out, if you don’t believe it. Be sure and show it to your family and friends. They need a little history lesson on what’s what and it doesn’t matter whether you are Democrat or Republican. Facts …

Why Do Blacks Have Law Enforcement’s Attention?

Recently, The Daily Signal posted an article that goes a long way to explain why blacks seem to be targeted over other ethnicities.  Here’s what it reported: Mac Donald [Manhattan Institute scholar Heather Mac Donald] points out that while blacks are 23 percent of New York City’s population, they are responsible for 75 percent of shootings …

Cell Phones Damage DNA – The First Step To Cancer

Image: Cell Phone Danger

The newest evidence from the government’s National Toxicology Program indicates more than 90 studies show that the radiation emitted by cell phones and other wireless devices can damage DNA, the first step on the road to cancer. It used to be thought that the tissues must “heat up” with radio frequency exposure in order to …

Eliminate Robocalls

Do you have an issue with an ever-increasing amount of unsolicited calls coming in on your phone line?  I do, and apparently so does the FCC which has not only given permission for carriers to implement call-blocking technology, it says telephone companies can – and in fact should – offer consumers robocall-blocking tools. I read …

Koran Burning: Obama’s Response

(from “The Hal Lindsey Report”) ..In Afghanistan, three American soldiers were disposing of various damaged and unusable religious materials at NATO’S Bagram Air Force Base north of Kabul. Included in the items they were burning in the base’s burn pit, were several copies of the Koran. These were Korans that the American government had purchased …

Gas Prices: Obama’s Damaging Policy

(from “The Hal Lindsey Report”) By early February, the national average for a gallon of regular unleaded was $3.56. That’s not the highest it’s ever been, but gasoline prices have never been this high this early in the season. It’s interesting, too, that demand for gasoline is also at record levels — record LOWS and …

The Great Deception

(from “The Hal Lindsey Report”) “…as I watch our economy continue to convulse beneath an increasing tax burden, a smothering national debt, and stifling new administrative regulations, I marvel at how deep the deception runs. Though we think of our nation as the land of entrepreneurship, capitalism, and free markets, there’s nothing “free” about it …

The Palestinian Bid for UN Recognition

[Excerpted from Hal Lindsey’s email letter of 9-23-2011] PA President Mahmoud Abbas wants the United Nations to formally recognize Palestine as an independent state with borders based on a UN resolution passed 64 years ago! It’s a resolution the Jews accepted back in 1947, but the Arabs rejected! Abbas has been adamant in his determination …

Pocket Watch

After presenting several articles on cell phone safety, I found this down-to-earth piece in Time Magazine.  It’s an easy-to-understand quick read which reveals flaws in the test results that manufacturers use to state that cell phones are safe.  This could also be used to separate them from liability should you develop a tumor from cell …

IARC Raises its Concern over Cell Phone Radiation

[courtesy CNET News] Until today, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) had said that there were no adverse health effects from the use of cell phones. The wireless industry, including the CTIA lobbying group, and the Federal Communications Commission and U.S. Food and Drug Administration have also long maintained that …

Will Israel’s Major Oil Deposits Change the World?

There are..some big changes on the horizon that may cause things to never be the same again! I’m referring to recent major discoveries of natural gas and oil deposits in Israel and off its coastline. These documented discoveries are turning out to be so huge that many are speculating that not only can Israel guarantee …

Barack Obama speaks on his Christianity

After hearing and seeing so much anti-Christian rhetoric regarding our President, I read with great interest his recent message at the National Prayer Breakfast on February 3.  Here are some highlights from his enlightening talk on his Cristianity. My Christian faith then has been a sustaining force for me over these last few years. All …

Conspiracy & the organization that may well cause the collapse of the U.S.

In the video below, Hal examines the history of the Federal Reserve and its ‘money trust’ ancestors; the impact it is having on our nation and world today; and the role it may play in the global economic system that will be controlled by the Antichrist. Andrew Jackson foresaw the fraud in 1832, exposed it, …

U.S. QE2: Lets pay off our debt with our credit card!

-a synopsis of The Hal Lindsey Report which aired Nov. 12, 2010 [QE2 is] the program the Federal Reserve Board announced the day after the mid-term elections in which the Fed intends to print up between $600 billion and $1 trillion to buy US Treasury bills over the next 6 months.  In short, the Fed …

Persecutions (in America!) you may not have heard about

By now, most of you know that National Public Radio (NPR) news analyst Juan Williams, who is also a contributor to Fox News, was abruptly fired by NPR. He was apparently dismissed by the taxpayer-supported radio network because he expressed an “opinion” (which, oddly enough, is precisely the job of a ‘news analyst,’ isn’t it?) on “The O’Reilly Factor” on the Fox News Network.

How is this NOT an Invasion?

-by Hal Lindsey Last May, the Department of Homeland Security issued a memo that contained information from a “proven credible confidential source” in Mexico. The intel described a new operation by several Mexican drug cartels in which they were sending a team of snipers into the United States to use lethal force against bandits who …

‘Myrtus’ file found in Stuxnet Code

-By Hal Lindsey Iran went on the offensive after its industrial infrastructure was infected by the ‘Stuxnet’ computer worm. Though the Iranian government accused “the enemy,” it did not name any specific nation or nationalities. Instead, Iran’s security services arrested dozens of ‘cyberspies’ at the Bushehr, Natanz, Isfahan nuclear facilities and also in Tehran. Particular …

The Lethality of Political Correctness

-By Hal Lindsey America is facing a threat that is beginning to take its toll. It’s a little like the growth of a deadly mold in your home. You never know it’s there until you begin to feel its effects in your body. And it can be lethal. If you don’t attack it with resolve, …

Capitalism in America – It Was A Good Run

But, it now has all of the earmarks of coming to a close.  Here is a realistic look at the leading signs of it’s inevitable collapse. Hong Kong contrarian economist Marc Faber warns in his Doom, Boom & Gloom Report: “The future will be a total disaster, with a collapse of our capitalistic system as …

Why The Truth About ‘The Inconvenient Truth’ Matters

In October, 2009, Lord Christopher Monckton, former adviser to Margaret Thatcher, spoke at Bethel University in St. Paul, MN, on the UN Climate Change treaty scheduled to be signed in Copenhagen in December 2009.  Fueled by puposefully-skewed media-exacerbated scientific data, President Obama is primed to sign this treaty, which will ultimately lead to the economic …

Climategate – Is It Important?

From “The Hal Lindsey Report” – December 11, 2009 The UN’s Conference on Climate Change got underway this week in Copenhagen, Denmark. With thousands of delegates from most of the world’s nations and more than 100 heads of state due to make appearances, this conclave has a sense of urgency about it not even seen …

Is Your Cell Phone Spying on You?

Should you be worried about people listening to your private conversations, even when you are NOT ON YOUR CELL PHONE?  Please take 5-minutes to watch this very revealing investigative video – it will definitely change the way you think about your cell phone: A study by SMobile Systems of 1,958 smartphones revealed infections by …

Home Robots Have a Dark Side

According to the University of Washington News,  a team of researchers ran tests to evaluate the security of three consumer-level robots: the WowWee Rovio, a wireless, buglike rolling robot marketed to adults as a home surveillance tool that can be controlled over the Internet and includes a video camera, microphone and speaker; the Erector …

Danger in Your Home: Cordless Phones

As most of you know, I have worked in the RF (radio frequency) industry, now better known as the wireless industry, throughout my life.  My work has always involved both RF receivers and transmitters, and RF transmitters come with health risks unless precautions are taken.  With the unprecedented increase in cordless phone usage, especially in homes …

Brain Tumors Solidly Linked to Cell Phone Usage

Arguably on the same scale as the the plague, swine flu, and the tobacco-lung cancer relationship, the connection between cellphones and brain tumors is undeniable.  Efforts to show there was no connection, and that cellphones are totally safe, came from the cell phone industry itself, not independent studies. The report described and available below not …

A Doctor, A Government, and An Industry

George Carlo, PhD, JD, is an epidemiologist and medical scientist who, from 1993 to 1999, headed the first telecommunications industry-backed studies into the dangers of cell phone use. That program remains the largest in the history of the issue. But he ran afoul of the very industry that hired him when his work revealed preventable …

A Message the World Forgot

Over Forty years ago, two men landed on the moon. One of them spoke unforgettable words. The other did something equally momentous. – Article by Neil Earle – An Episcopalian, Buzz Aldrin had somehow wedged into his stowage pouch a plastic bag. In it were a small flask of wine, a chalice and some wafers. …

Fannie Mae Eases Credit to Aid Mortgage Lending

Here is a link to a New York Times article printed September 30, 1999.  The Bush White House has recently come under fire for creating the 2008 mortgage credit collapse.  As you will read here, it had nothing to do with the Bush Administration. N. Y. Times: Fannie Mae Eases Credit to Aid Mortgage Lending[PDF …

Is America Going Broke?

Written by Kerby Anderson Let me begin with a provocative question: Is America going broke? It is a question that has been asked many times before. And when an economist asks the question, it creates quite a stir. Back in 2006, Laurence Kotlikoff asked: “Is the United States Bankrupt?”{1} He concluded that countries can go …