Why The Truth About ‘The Inconvenient Truth’ Matters

In October, 2009, Lord Christopher Monckton, former adviser to Margaret Thatcher, spoke at Bethel University in St. Paul, MN, on the UN Climate Change treaty scheduled to be signed in Copenhagen in December 2009.  Fueled by puposefully-skewed media-exacerbated scientific data, President Obama is primed to sign this treaty, which will ultimately lead to the economic fall of the United States.  Did you spend an hour and a half watching “The Inconvenient Truth”?  If so, you owe it to yourself and your nation to watch this (which is an hour and a half).  There is a link below, plus a 4-minute video of the conclusion only.  But, if you want to see how every important claim by Al Gore science is offset by an actual fact, you need to watch the entire presentation.

Lord Monckton also addresses the underlying issue of the UNCC treaty, which makes the assumption that man can change the global climate.  The question “Can he?” is answered in the presentation.

Here is an excerpt from Lord Monckton’s Presentation..

“Here is why the truth matters. It was all very well for jesting Pilate to ask that question and then not to tarry for an answer. But that question that he asked, “what is the truth?” is the question which underlies every question and in the end it is the only question that really matters. When you ask that question what you are really asking is “what is the truth about the matter?” And we are now going to see why it matters morally, socially, and politically, as well as economically and scientifically. That the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth should inform public policy on this question.”

Hal Lindsey says this (Dec. 11, 2009)..

“I believe that what we are now witnessing in “Hopenhagen” is perhaps the most concrete step toward a one-world bureaucratic regime in recent history. And it could reduce some of the world’s most prosperous nations to the level of third world countries.

To give our President some bargaining clout in Copenhagen, the Environmental Protection Agency this week declared ‘greenhouse gases,’ most notably carbon dioxide, a public health hazard. This allows the EPA to regulate it — read that ‘tax it’ and ‘outlaw it’ — under the Clean Air Act. The Supreme Court had ruled that the Administration had to go back to Congress for that authority. No longer. This declaration by the EPA, just in time for Copenhagen, is almost a criminal circumvention of the Constitution.

Lord Monckton’s complete presentation (1-hr, 35-min)

The Conclusion of Lord Monkton’s Presentation (under 4-min, 10-sec)

The Presentation Slides (7.32 MB)